Winmo Partnerships

How do I view Demographic Info by brand?
Winmo's demographic insights will paint a clear picture of your prospect's audience and help you tailor your pitch perfectly. To find this, look...
Thu, 5 Dec, 2024 at 3:43 PM
How can I use Winmo's integration to find where my prospects are spending on TV?
Great news! Backed by our integration, Winmo can now bring you insights into recent TV spending for your top prospects. Read on for a brief "h...
Fri, 10 Nov, 2023 at 2:47 PM
Where do I go to find advertisers spending on specific TV networks?
Looking to see if one of your top prospects has recently spent on NBC? What about a full list of recent advertisers to run on FX? If that sounds like you th...
Thu, 26 Mar, 2020 at 3:18 PM
How can I leverage Adbeat Enterprise access through Winmo?
( a hurry? We get it. Click here and we'll start the conversation for you) We've got exciting news to share! Winmo is proudly partnerin...
Fri, 8 Mar, 2019 at 4:37 PM
How can I take advantage of Winmo's partnership with Media Analytics?
Winmo has teamed up with Media Analytics to give you visibility into a brand’s spending on Direct to Consumer (DRTV) advertising. You can also use this info...
Fri, 10 Nov, 2023 at 4:07 PM
What is Adbeat for Publishers and How Can It Help Me?
Winmo's Adbeat integration has added a whole new outlook for clients looking for expanded digital insights. Are you a publisher looking for ways to get ...
Fri, 27 Mar, 2020 at 2:52 PM
How Can I Search by Intent Data?
Want to find advertisers or agencies in the market for your services?    Start with the Advanced Search and choose Companies or Agencies Look for the Int...
Fri, 10 Nov, 2023 at 4:08 PM
Where Does Intent Data Come From and What Does It Mean?
The key to best utilizing our new Bombora partnership is first getting a good understanding on what, exactly, we're looking at here. So let's begin ...
Fri, 16 Oct, 2020 at 12:13 PM
How Should I Qualify Opportunities I Find via Bombora?
Once you've found a company that has some level of interest in the product or service you've identified as key, the best place to get full details i...
Fri, 16 Oct, 2020 at 12:04 PM
Where Can I Find OTT Impressions on Winmo?
Great news! We've expanded our partnership with to bring OTT impression insights to Winmo. Maybe you want to use this new capability to target ...
Fri, 10 Nov, 2023 at 2:41 PM