Great news! We've expanded our partnership with to bring OTT impression insights to Winmo. Maybe you want to use this new capability to target a specific prospect and see what kind of OTT visibility they are getting, or perhaps you want to broaden your scope and search for all advertisers currently running on OTT. We've got you covered either way.

How Can I Find Exactly How Many OTT Impressions a Prospect Has Gotten?

If you've got a specific spender in mind, your first stop will be that brand's profile page on Winmo (Important: Brand Profile not Company Profile). Once there look to the top for the TV Insights option.

Click there and the site will zoom you down to the section of the profile. You'll see options like top Linear networks and programs, as well as a month-by-month breakout of all OTT (and Linear) impressions.

Is There a Way to Track All Brands Currently Getting OTT Impressions?

Absolutely! To accomplish this click Advanced Search > Brands.

Look to the left side of the search page and find the Linear and OTT Media option. Again, you should see the option to search for brands running on specific Linear networks, but you also have the ability to limit your results to only brands with OTT placements.

Our new OTT insights are updated every month, so make sure to check back early and often to uncover more and more leads in the OTT space!