Great news! Backed by our integration, Winmo can now bring you insights into recent TV spending for your top prospects. Read on for a brief "how-to" in order to ensure you are getting the very most out of this feature.

Where can I find's TV insights?

Just look for the Brand profile.  Is there a TV Insights icon on the page? If so, click on for the full story!

What information is available via

Once you click on the icon, you'll be brought to our full range of iSpot insights. First up: which networks is this advertiser spending on? We'll show you via a handy pie chart. Interested in learning which specific shows your prospect appears on? We've got that covered, too.

Hint: want to see this as a list rather than a chart? Click on the three dots to view as a table.

You'll also be able to view recent creative. All you need to do is click on Top Creative Spots.

How can I search for iSpot information for multiple advertisers or networks?

We've included the ability to search for TV information in bulk via the Find search. Read on here for a full breakdown.