One of our newest features has only been on the platform for a few weeks, and it's already received its first update (possibly a Winmo record). Yes, Winmo Compose has been modified to be even more user-friendly, and will now be a greater time-saver + game-changer. Read on to learn more...

Experienced Compose users will already know about our first usage option: plug in your prospect's pain point, your own value prop, and an email title (optional). Based off your input and your prospect's individual personality traits, our AI assistant will write an email for you that is tailor-made to appeal to the exact type of person you are trying to reach.

Now you can make the process even simpler. The next time you click Write Email For Me you'll have two options: the one outlined above, or simply a chance to plug in existing email copy.

In the latter scenario, our AI assistant will take your initial text and serve as your instant editor, tweaking your language to best appeal to the contact you're targeting. Simple as that!

Give the new and improved Winmo Compose a try the next time you're browsing personality insights. It's a great way to take a template that you already have and customize it, but without having to do any leg work!

Interested in adding Winmo Compose to your subscription? Click Here.