Exciting news! Thanks to our new partnership with Bombora Winmo users can now search for prospects that have shown significant interest in your own products/services. This will be expressed on the site via Intent Data.

What is Intent Data? Specifically that is the information Bombora collects via observed behaviors indicating personnel from a company may have heightened interest in various categories. Data that's collected could range from web searches to webinar attendance to online subscriptions and more.

To get a full idea of exactly how Bombora's integration works on Winmo I'd encourage you to read more here, but the short version is that users on the site will be able to utilize the Advanced Search to find companies with varying degrees of interest across a wide range of products and services. You'll then be able to get a full recap of exactly what a company has interest in on the Company Profile page.

We're extremely excited to bring this new capability to Winmo. If this looks like something you want to add on to your Winmo subscription contact your rep today!